In public speaking I have to face a lot of presentation to complete this subject for this semester. The title of my presentation is information speech, forum, persuasive speech, impromptu speech, blog writing and group discussion. All presentation in public speaking has different challenging. For my information speech I have to create my collage about myself and my future. This presentation must be present in public, outside from my classroom with new people. I fell so nervous and not ready with the environment. After finish my information speech I have the second presentation is forum, forum is about current issue nowadays. This forum I must speak very formal word for get highest mark. Challenges in persuasive speech are I must persuade people to buy my product. Beside that I must create the product with new name company name, brand name, logo and address use their creativity and skill to create new product for my presentation. For my latest presentation is impromptu speech, this presentation is more challenges for me because, when I stand in front of my class I must take I things in a box, that is a big challenges because I do not know what I take in the box. All the presentation above has their challenges. The challenges are mental and physical. I must prepare before I want present in front of my lecturer and my friend. All presentation have same challenges, the challenges is how to overcome the nervous. This is all challenges must I take to complete in public speaking subject.